We meet in the Quay Arts Centre in Newport on Sundays at 10.45am for one hour and on Wednesdays at 12.30pm for half an hour. The Sunday meeting can also be attended on Zoom, simply follow the link from the events page.
The Sunday meeting is followed by afterword, news of Friends and notices. After this we talk over refreshments and we hope you will be able to stay for this.
We enjoy welcoming visitors, including anyone new to Quaker meetings, and old friends who haven't been for a while. It would be good to see you!
For more information, please call 01983 759024 or email iow@hampshirequakers.org.uk
The Rope Store, Quay Arts Centre, Sea Street, Newport, Isle of Wight, PO30 5BD
Every Sunday at 10:45-11:45
Every Wednesday at 12:30-13:00
Sunday's meetings for worship are also available online. Please email iow@hampshirequakers.org or telephone 01983 759024 for the Zoom link or any further information
01983 759024
Children and young people are welcome, but please ring in advance.
✓ Wheelchair access
✓ Wheelchair accessible toilet
Meeting accessible to wheelchair-users, including toilet but no car-parking space. Access to Quay Arts via Little London. On entry, the Rope Store meeting room is on the left.
Use the side entrance to the Quay Arts Centre and the meeting room is clearly marked on your left - or enter through the shop and café when the shop is open.
Our meeting room is the old Rope Store, with windows looking out onto the rising and falling tide of the river below.
Easy parking can be found nearby in Sea Street, and Newport is the hub of many of the island's bus routes.
The Rope Store has step-free access and a wheelchair-accessible toilet is available next door in the Arts Centre.
If you are visiting the island on holiday, why not come along to one of our meetings? Whether you are already a regular at your local Quaker meeting, or are completely new to all of this and simply curious to find out more, you will find a warm welcome here.
We are well situated for holiday visitors, with the Quay Arts Centre and cafe right on our doorstep, with outdoor seating and riverside views out across the Medina.
A group of Isle of Wight Quakers have been holding a monthly house group in Freshwater for around 10 years now, meeting the needs of those who find it difficult to travel to Newport on a Sunday, and offering a space for shared reflection. We now meet in the welcoming home of Tim and Sally Cocksedge, on the second Tuesdays of the month from 2.30pm to 4pm.
We usually begin with half an hour of silent worship, followed by a discussion of a Quaker topic which is announced in advance - finishing up with friendly chat over tea and biscuits. On a good day we may be more than a dozen, and can always find a spare chair to welcome new attenders. If you would like to come along, perhaps if you are visiting the island on holiday, or maybe if you simply haven't been to meeting for a while, please give us a call on 01983 759428 for directions and the subject for discussion.
Isle of Wight meeting is part of a larger family of Quakers across the area of Hampshire and the Channel Islands. Each meeting will have a slightly different flavour or emphasis, for example Alton meeting are leading the way with their involvement in the eco-church scheme, whilst Winchester has a special emphasis on social witness with their project giving homes to vulnerable people who might otherwise be homeless.
As well as activities happening at the local level, there is a growing number of groups coming together at an area level, such as around environmental concerns, youth activities, or Quaker practices such as Experiment with Light.
Find out more at our area meeting website.